War Thunder, previously known as World of Planes, is a free-to-play MMORPG from Gaijin Entertainment based on World War II-era battles. Star Conflict is a free-to-play space action oriented on combat. Forge of Empires is a browser-based SLG, featuring different historical settings and dynamic PvP. Battle for the Galaxy is a free-to-play strategy MMO in sci-fi setting. An online adventure game about horses, competitions, races, and horse care.
A smooth and true action MMORPG for macOS is what we present now. This game is based on the Dungeons & Dragons universe, offering the same realm and character classes. Many critics have stated that Neverwinter is something new from the casual action MMORPG because the gameplay, the combat, and the design are better than anything saw before. Even if it was published back in 2013, this game is still very popular and has a lot of players. Therefore, we are sure that Neverwinter Mac OS X will have great success.
Mmo On Mac
Speaking about the Mac version, you can download Neverwinter macOS for free, right from the button below. Because many players have requested this game, now it’s available worldwide in .dmg format. If you want to play one of the best MMORPG ever seen on Mac, download now Neverwinter for OS X.
World of Warcraft is one of the most popular MMORPG games ever created, and it is fully available for Mac users along with decent FPS and technical support. The game features various expansion sets, player-versus-player and other activities. The Elder Scrolls Online is the only way Mac users can experience the magnificent universe of The Middle Earth. The game features.
If you are a fan of the Dungeon & Dragons series, you definitely must download Neverwinter Mac OS X and play it. One of the strong points of this game is the storyline. It’s not like a classic MMO… therefore you will have a great RPG, full of action scenes and multiplayer features. You can form teams of up to 5 (five) players. Your teammates can be your friends or random players from the game’s network. Even if you play Neverwinter on Mac you can interact freely with players from PC or PS4.
Another important and awesome feature of this game is the system called “Foundry”. By using it you can create your own content. Therefore, you will be able to play your own quests and explore the lands designed by you. This can be very exciting, you will see. Download Neverwinter for Mac and give it a try!
Neverwinter Mac OS X
– Minimum System Requirements –
CPU: | Core 2 Duo |
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CPU Speed: | 1.8 GHz |
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RAM: | 2 GB |
OS: | OS X 10.11 |
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Video Card: | Nvidia GeForce 6600 / ATI Radeon X1300/Intel G965 Express |
HDD Space: | 24 GB |